Friday, February 25, 2011

Words and their meanings

First of all, I must say I have appreciated my friends and family supporting me over the past few months.  Now, I must tell you of the few instances when people don't know what to say to you when it deals with your employment.   There is a pause and then a look of utter terror.  First they want to know what happened?  The second question is what is next?  

Which brought me to words and their meanings.  When you say to someone-- I lost my job-- what does that mean?  Were you at the park one day and somehow you and your job got separated?  Did I call 9-1-1 to report my job loss?   So that question has now made we turn to a thesaurus.   Here is the definition of loss:

be careless, be impoverished, be reduced,become poorer, bereave, capitulateconsume,defaultdepletedisinherit, displacedispossess,dissipatedivest, draindropexhaustexpend,failfail to keep, fall short, forfeitforgetgive uplavishmisplace, missmisspend, oustpassup, relinquishrob, sacrificesquandersuffer,suffer loss, surrenderuse up, wasteyield

I was trying to use one of these terms during one of these conversations with people.  Of course it feels weird for people to know for just one thing.  A position or job is the only reason people ever met, talked, or even spoke to you.  The "loss" of that status makes you humble.  I now look forward to finding the next job without having to call the police.

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