Friday, February 11, 2011

Asking for help...

Over the past two months, I have learned so many different lessons.  Huge lessons!  Now I will be changing my focus of this blog from my former position I held  because there is still grape soda moments to come...

So what have I learned?  On 12/4/2010, I traveled down to Lincoln City to attend a co-workers' funeral but then unfortunately had a car accident.  This car accident stopped a lot of my active life but it did not stop my mind from working.  Yes, I have so many people asking about  me and sending me lots of love.  I learned to become patient with insurance companies.  My car was totaled so I have had to ask for help.  A car ride became a wonderful escape even for a few hours .  Asking for help is difficult for some of us.

But what does help look like?  Help could be taking a person out for coffee, going out to a basketball game or even bowling.  Help can come from a telephone call or   a simple email.  Help is everywhere but receiving it is difficult.

The Petty Cash moments have been few and far between.  But I am learning so many things about life.  There is so much to be grateful for in my life and I celebrate that everyday.

However, my plan of world domination continues.....  And I am asking for your help...

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