Friday, February 25, 2011

Words and their meanings

First of all, I must say I have appreciated my friends and family supporting me over the past few months.  Now, I must tell you of the few instances when people don't know what to say to you when it deals with your employment.   There is a pause and then a look of utter terror.  First they want to know what happened?  The second question is what is next?  

Which brought me to words and their meanings.  When you say to someone-- I lost my job-- what does that mean?  Were you at the park one day and somehow you and your job got separated?  Did I call 9-1-1 to report my job loss?   So that question has now made we turn to a thesaurus.   Here is the definition of loss:

be careless, be impoverished, be reduced,become poorer, bereave, capitulateconsume,defaultdepletedisinherit, displacedispossess,dissipatedivest, draindropexhaustexpend,failfail to keep, fall short, forfeitforgetgive uplavishmisplace, missmisspend, oustpassup, relinquishrob, sacrificesquandersuffer,suffer loss, surrenderuse up, wasteyield

I was trying to use one of these terms during one of these conversations with people.  Of course it feels weird for people to know for just one thing.  A position or job is the only reason people ever met, talked, or even spoke to you.  The "loss" of that status makes you humble.  I now look forward to finding the next job without having to call the police.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What movies can I watch over and over?

Tonight, AMC is showing Shawshank Redemption.  It gave me an idea of what movies could I watch over and over.  Some of the movies I mentioned were given to me by friends:

1. Shawshank Redemption-- pressure and time breakdown a rock.
2. Mean Girls---You go Glen CoCo
3. Aliens-- Newt!
4. A Time to Kill-- Picture a little girl
5. D.E.B.S--you in love with her
6. Love & Basketball-- I will play you for your heart

Just to name a few for now.  I just felt like sharing movies today.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Asking for help...

Over the past two months, I have learned so many different lessons.  Huge lessons!  Now I will be changing my focus of this blog from my former position I held  because there is still grape soda moments to come...

So what have I learned?  On 12/4/2010, I traveled down to Lincoln City to attend a co-workers' funeral but then unfortunately had a car accident.  This car accident stopped a lot of my active life but it did not stop my mind from working.  Yes, I have so many people asking about  me and sending me lots of love.  I learned to become patient with insurance companies.  My car was totaled so I have had to ask for help.  A car ride became a wonderful escape even for a few hours .  Asking for help is difficult for some of us.

But what does help look like?  Help could be taking a person out for coffee, going out to a basketball game or even bowling.  Help can come from a telephone call or   a simple email.  Help is everywhere but receiving it is difficult.

The Petty Cash moments have been few and far between.  But I am learning so many things about life.  There is so much to be grateful for in my life and I celebrate that everyday.

However, my plan of world domination continues.....  And I am asking for your help...