Sunday, November 28, 2010

What is a grape soda moment?

When I first accepted the job at the YWCA Salem, I had spent alot of time thinking about my first day, my first week, and even my first year.  There are some moments that you have at work that can be challenging, upsetting, and downright fustrating.   But then there are those moments -- and I call them grape soda.  Grape Soda moments can be simple moments with a client who just stopped by to show you a picture of their new house. Or when a woman comes in to share her survivor story.  Its all those moments that makes me love my job.  Everyday I would like to open up a can of grape soda.  Everyday day I would like to share "grape soda" moments with all of my staff.  Lots of grape soda !!!

This week's grape soda moment involved appreciation of staff as we prepare for the two events coming this week.  So check us out at

Friday, November 19, 2010

Today is just Friday.. TGIF

I am always amazed by folks when they say TGIF.  It's 2:00 p.m. on a Friday.  I have a meeting with a few people near the end of the day.  But then it gets quiet in my office and I get a third wave of energy -- the next thing I know-- its 7:30 p.m. and dark.  My thoughts of going to the store on the way home are now gone.  I can push out one more email to someone-- make one more phone call-- sign one more thank you letter. 

It's sad to think about my work/life balance because it is really Fridays when I actually get out of the office at a decent time.  I have not learned to transfer my Friday schedule to Monday through Thursdays.   

One of my favorite cartoons is PINKY and the BRAIN.. In it-- the Brain's plan was to take over the world everyday.   And I believe that drives me to my third wave of energy at 2:00 p.m.  I must take over the world and it does not matter -- but some how on Friday-- I can give myself a stopping point of 7:30 p.m. instead of 10:30 p.m.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why now?


I have decided to create a blog after completing my first year as the YWCA Salem's Executive Director.  Yes, I love my job and that will explain name of this blog.  "Petty Cash" is a term that when I get upset about a situation during my day.  However, my favorite drink is grape soda!  So I am always trying to find "grape soda" moments everyday ! 

So I will share my grape soda moments!