Thursday, May 26, 2011

My goals

For the past few months, I have been thinking about what to write about on my blog.  I could write about the first time I used the public transportation or my first visit to the unemployment office. I could talk about the meetings I have attended learning about the issues facing other leaders in the community. I could write about how I look forward to my doctor's appointments.

But instead, I am going to write about gratitude.  I am grateful to believe alive.  I could have died on 12/4/2010 and the same things that occurred on my last day at work would have still happened.  Someone would have had to clean my office, moved my stuff out of my apartment, and of course cancel my subscription to Oprah.  The difference is that I have been on an emotional roller coaster and all of you have assisted me in one way or another.  Friends that have driven me to appointments, called me just to check on my job search, text ed me pictures of cars-- for all of that you have shown me love and friendship.    The lesson I have learned is as cocky I had been with getting the position-- I had not done it  alone.

You have been with me-- you have been there from the beginning.  My grape soda moment is that I have to respect each of you.  And I realized that I am loved-- and it is my mission to make sure that each of you know it.